Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Love the One About the Cannon

I got a text message from my (very cool) sister-in-law saying that she just met David Sedaris. She went to a reading by him, and he signed her book afterwards. He wrote, "[Sister-in-law], I'm so proud of you! David Sedaris."

Last year, H and I went to see Sarah Vowell when she did a book reading at the University of Minnesota on her book tour for Assassination Vacation. I love her reading style; she has impeccable timing.

After she read, Sarah (it seems weird to call her by her first name, but do I really need to call use both first and last name every time I refer to her? yes, I do) Vowell signed books for everyone who waited in line. I was embarrassed to ask her to sign the 4 books I had, so I made H get her to sign two, and then I had her sign two. (I brought Take the Cannoli and Partly Cloudy Patriot from home, and bought two copies of Assassination Vacation- one for myself and one for my friend's partner.)

As I inched towards the front of the line, I got increasingly nervous. First, I admire Sarah Vowell's writing and talent. Second, she is semi-famous. Third and most importantly, she has met Conan O'Brien and they seem like they are kind of friends. And she wasn't just signing books quietly. She was chatting with each and every person in line. What was I going to say when I got to the front of the line?! I broke out in a sweat. I was going to have to tell her my name when she signed my book, and she made fun of my name in one of her stories! She was going to think I was a loser! And the flop sweat did not really make me look any more cool.

H was the person in front of me in line. He asked Sarah Vowell to sign our books, and she asked about the people whose names she was writing, and she found out we were there together. I was blushing and sweaty. I am not sure why. I mean, I think Sarah Vowell is cool, but there was really no reason for me to freak out. I have no idea what I said to her, but it must not have been that awesome because we have, surprisingly, not stayed in touch since the book signing.


Carol said...

I once brought some other books I had by Margaret Atwood ( a Canadian literary icon) for her to sign. I was a bit embarrassed too but she thought nothing of it.

Stefanie said...

Hey, I was at that reading, too! And waiting in line, I had similar paranoid thoughts about not being cool enough with my chit-chat. Sadly, she never kept in touch with me, either.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

interesting books! happy friday :)

Kai said...

hey going by...
and im a member of the ffmb...

-R- said...

Carol, I really like Margaret Atwood too! Very cool that you met her!

Stefanie, that is funny that you were there too! I am glad SV hasn't kept in touch with everyone but me.

J. Andrew, you should definitely check out her books if you haven't already.

Kai, thanks for stopping by!