Monday, May 14, 2007

Doctor Who

I just deleted the paragraph I wrote about I feel like my head may explode because really, that is a pathetic excuse for a blog entry. Sinus pressure is just not that interesting. But wait...

I have an idea!

I will post random pictures of my trip to The Little Apple.

On the way to Apple Town, we had to wait for not one...

But TWO trains. At the same time. This was not a good omen.

But we made it there safe and sound, and here is a random picture of a building on my sister's campus.

My sister graduated and walked safely across the stage without falling down or tripping. H had to squeeze through the narrow aisle in the middle of the (two hour!) graduation ceremony so that he could use the restroom. When he came back, he sat on the aisle so that he didn't have to squish past 50 people again. And then all the graduates had to walk right past H as they exited. I said to my mom, "Maybe H will give [my sister] a high five!" And then he did! Here is a re-enactment.

Note: I do not know who that creepy-looking guy in the background is.

My sister had lots of velvet stripes and a fancy magna cum laude cord on her robe.

She is a doctor now. My sister is now Dr. -R's Little Sister-. Doctor! My little sister! Doctor! Aaaaa!


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Congrats to Dr. Sister! Love the re-enacted high five :)

3carnations said...

I can't decide if -H- looks like he is putting his arm around both you and your sister, or if he looks like he is reaching past your sister in total oblivion of her being there so he can put his arm around YOU.

Janet said...

My little sis is going to be a Doctor in a year too and I am kinda freaking about it! I really need to have some kind of a "career" by then if my YOUNGER sister is going to go and be all professional now.

Stefanie said...

A doctor AND a lawyer in the same family. You guys make me and my sisters look like total slackers.

Congrats to your sister!

Noelle said...

Congrats, Doctor Sister of -R-! And congrats to you for making it through the ceremony!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are awesome. You and your sister look like tiny little people next to H.

And hey, you're a doctor too! A JURIS doctor.

lizgwiz said...

Congrats to Dr. Sis!

And that lightbulb picture is great. You should keep that handy and insert it every time you have an idea. ;)

L Sass said...

Best High 5 ever!!!!!

Those little sisters... my little sis is over in AFRICA. You know, actually helping Africa instead of reading about it in The New Yorker and saying, "Tsk, tsk, we need to do something about Africa. Now pass me the Merlot." I am proud of her, but I do kind of feel lame in comparison!

Paisley said...

Yay to Dr. Sister!!!! A Dr and a lawyer. Your parents must be so proud! (and broke! haha)

You look so pretty, petite and adorable. Yay!

Liz Miller said...
