Friday, June 01, 2007

Knocked Up

The movie. Go see it. Awesome. Even the 70-year-old woman sitting next to me loved it. A lot. She was laughing really hard throughout the movie.

If the film critics are H, the old lady next to me, and me, this movie gets 6 thumbs up.

You're welcome.


Anonymous said...

Katherine Heigl is my girl-crush, so I'll totally be seeing this one. :P

Stefanie said...

I might actually see that tomorrow. When I first started seeing ads for it, I was skeptical, but even gave it a good review, and they're usually not all about the mass-market comedies.

By the way, I am commenting on your blog at 2:33 a.m. on Saturday morning. Is that weird? Must go to bed...

Marmite Breath said...

We really want to see it too. But I still haven't seen Hot Fuzz. Or The Queen. My list of movies just seems to grow!

Anonymous said...

The previews look so stupid, so I would have never seen the movie ... but since you recommend it, I may consider it. :) It just seems so perverse!

L Sass said...

Wow, I got sort of excited when I saw that subject line... but then I remembered the movie coming out this week!

-R- said...

Alynda, she was really good in the movie.

Stefanie, not weird at all. I must admit I was asleep before midnight. Wooo. Crazy night.

Nat, I saw The Queen, but I haven't seen Hot Fuzz. I really want to though.

Em, there is quite a bit of the F word, but it really isn't too dirty.

L Sass, I told my friend on the phone that we saw Knocked Up last night, and he thought I said that I found out that I was knocked up last night. No.

Pamela said...

okay. if you insist. (:

Greg said...

It looks good, but I've been having a weird experience at the nearest theater. Whenever my wife and I go to an R-rated movie, there are these random parents who bring in their little kids, and the movie is usually so inappropriate that we're uncomfortable the whole time. It's ruined like three movies for me. That will probably be the case with "Knocked Up," too, so I think I'll wait for the DVD. :)

Anonymous said...

I went last night. 20 times better than Spiderman 3.

I'm still giggling about the pink-eye.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I so want to see it after reading the NY Times review! And now yours! I was skeptical, but now that a real person has said they like it, not just A.O. Scott, maybe this weekend I will take a break from bar studying and see it.

lizgwiz said...

I might even trek to the theatre to see this (before it comes out on cable)--I LOVE Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow.

Paisley said...

I must be OLD because I thought it was a bit too long and wasn't sure what direction it was going in. I liked a lot of it, though. Plus, KH is my girl crush, too. I heart her. Drool. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to go see it! Also, I saw Waitress last week, and I highly recommend it.

Unknown said...

I just went to see it yesterday and my sister kept shushing me because I was laughing so hard it was embarrassing for her to even be sitting next to me.

It's Hilarious.

don't call me MA'AM said...

I also loved it. Except for the pink-eye scene. Or any of the puking. But the rest of it was fan-freaking-tastic.