Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hello, moto

Tonight I am pulling a Lawyerish move and posting an oldie but a goodie.

When I worked at the courthouse, to get to my office, I had to walk by the ground floor receptionist, use my key card to get into the staircase, go up several flights, and use the key card to exit the staircase onto my floor. Every morning, the receptionist would say, "Hello, there!" or alternatively, "Hi, there!" and I would respond nicely and appropriately. After having these exchanges for about three months, she switched it up, saying, "Good morning, there!" FOr some reason this struck me as odd. Hello, there? Fine. Hi, there? Normal. Good morning, there? Whaaaa? I thought about it for two seconds and realized that she had said, "Good morning, Deb." Which means that EVERY morning she had been saying, "Hello, Deb." And my name is not Deb.

What do I do now? I had already entered the stairwell, so I could not walk all the way back and respond 30 seconds later, "My name is not Deb," after accidentally pretending that my name was Deb for three months. I decided that the chances of her figuring out on her own that my name was not Deb were slim and decided to just go with it. For another few months, my name was Deb every morning, and I liked it. That is, until I forgot my key card.

I could check one out from the ground floor receptionist, but I would have to sign it out, and she would see that my name was not Deb. Nor is it even close to Deb. I tried to take the public staircase and get in through the third floor reception area, but the third floor reception area was dark and locked. (In a little twist of irony, kind of, the third floor receptionist was actually named Deb.) I trudged back downstairs, and lo and behold, the woman sitting at the reception desk was not the usual receptionist. Instead, there was a substitute receptionist I had never seen before! I checked out a key card and went about my business.

When I left that night, I tried to return my borrowed key card, but the substitute had already left. I had to turn it in the next morning, and of course, the usual receptionist was back. I handed her the key card. She said, "Thanks, Deb." I asked her if I needed to sign anything, and she said no. I was home free! Until about 15 minutes later when she called my office, saying, "I thought your name was Deb!" She must have had to mark on the sign out sheet that I returned the key card. "Ummm... nope, it's not."

And almost every morning, for the next 153 mornings or so, I heard, "Good morning, -R-."


princess slea said...

oh Deb, you crack me up.

Anonymous said...

When I first met one of hubby's aunts, she called me Michelle after he introduced us. My name is nothing close to Michelle. I didn't correct her, and hubby hadn't heard it. The next time we saw her, she had two of her grown daughters with her, and they took her lead in calling me Michelle as well. At that point, hubby and I felt too awkward to correct her. We should have just gotten it out of the way, the longer it progressed, I imagine the more embarrasing in the end...

Anyway, when we sent out our wedding invitations, we joked that she would be saying "Who is this *3carnations*? What ever happened to that nice Michelle?"

M.Amanda said...

In college I worked at a convenience store where I had to wear a name tag. One day a man (a semi-regular) walked in and I said, "Good afternoon."

"Hi there, Jenny," he answered back - or that's what I heard.

"What did you call me?" I asked, startled and a little put off that he'd ignored the name tag and called me by a totally different name.

He looked very nervous. "Uh, "sweetie"? I'm sorry. I won't call you that." Then he walked away before I could tell him I didn't mind that.

Dang, he thought I was some kind of militant feminist when I just didn't want him using the wrong name.

Anonymous said...

Saw your link on Mama Drama. Jenny was right. You're hilarious!

Galoot said...

The "th" sound gets converted to "d" sound once more. P-Girl2 refers to Galoot Jr. as her "brudder"

In college, various Missourans referred to me as Lynn, Wynn, Lane, Wayne and Ben.

Christine said...

How funny that she called you to confess. I think if I were the receptionist I would have just stopped adding Deb onto all of my greetings. And pretended like it never happened.

schneids said...

if i were the receptionist, i would keep calling you "deb" with a smile on my face. Just to make you laugh every day. ;-)

Guinness_Girl said...

I remember this one from way back when! Ha! That's the worst.

Guinness_Girl said...

By "that", I meant getting caught not correcting the security guard many moons ago. Not remembering.

PreppyGirl said...

I would've just made up some name to call her. Hi Deb! - Oh Hi Flaberta! - that woulda been fun.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog link on mama drama. You have an awesome blog here. Fun to read. Oh no another blog to add to my list of daily reads. I'm addicted...

-R- said...

Dear PD, Thanks. Love, Deb

3carnations, how awkward! Did they ever say anything to you about it or do you guys just pretend it never happened?

Cipher, aargh. Embarassing! You should have chased him around yelling, "It's ok! Just don't call me Jenny!"

Anon, wow, thanks!

Galoot, or should I say Wayne?

Christine, I was definitely hoping she would just pretend it never happened, but she is braver than me.

Schneids, if you remember, I did love it when she was still calling me Deb.

GG, I knew what you meant. =)

Prep, OMG I just found the name for my first born daughter (if there is one)! Flaberta will go very well with my last name.

Stacy, geez! Thanks!

PreppyGirl said...

That's hilarious that you called Galoot Wayne - That is my ex-boyfriend's name!

-R- said...

Prep, I hope you weren't the one who called Galoot "Wayne" then!

Anonymous said...

We never spoke of it again...She simply began calling me by my correct name eventually.

-R- said...

3carnations, that is so funny!