The snow makes me want to cuddle up with a few good books. (The picture below shows the results of Saturday's trip to the library. There is a reading club going on: for every book you read, you get entered into a prize drawing. Plus you get a little notebook, a thing of hot chocolate, a piece of Dove chocolate - not pictured as it was eaten immediately - and a bookmark. Dorky, but I love prizes.)
I am also frantically trying to finish this baby blanket for Schneids. I started it in September, but it is taking forever, despite the fact that it is not even complicated. It is green because the nursery has a jungle theme. Hopefully I can finish this in the next six weeks.
Winter Wonderland-esque snow and books AND knitting = loveliness. Also, great green color! I love it. I'm doing an orange one right now, too (um, if by "doing" it I mean "looking at the bag it has been living in" counts) - they could totally be friends.
Your library is giving away prizes?? Awesome. That reminds me of the summer reading program when I was a kid... Do they also give you a cardstock folder to write down the books you've read, with a stamp in the column for each one?
As for the blanket, maybe the fact that it's not complicated is the reason it's taking so long. Perhaps it's too mindless to be interesting to you. I love the color, though. It'll be a cute blanket when you get it finished.
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