In November, I was listening to the radio in my car on the way to the bus stop, and the DJ said that you could buy tickets for a Snow Patrol/OK Go concert on the radio station's website before they went on sale to the general public. (This does not really make sense since the people who listen to this radio station are the general public, but just go with it.) I thought, "I like that OK Go song I hear on the radio, so it would be fun to go to the concert." I called H, and he told me that the concert was going to be too girly and he didn't want to go with me. So I told him that he had no choice, and I bought two tickets.
The concert was great. H and I both really loved OK Go. Snow Patrol was great, but not 100% my style. I think Snow Patrol is what I would have listened to when I was a sophomore in college, lying on my bed and feeling sorry for myself because I didn't have a boyfriend. Whereas OK Go makes me dance.
H said, "Oh, R. You love the geek rock." Yes. Yes, I do.
Oh, I LOVE that Treadmill song!! Snow Patrol would be one of those easy listening bands, but I'm not sure if I'd fork out money for them.
Goos and Lifehouse though? Man, I would be there with bells on. Le sigh, Australia gets NONE of the good tours!
Muy jealous on both counts!! I love concerts, although nowadays I find myself saying, "It is so damn LOUD in here!"
... did OK Go perform whilst on treadmills? :)
I really love that there is something noted as "geeky" in almost every facet of life these days. It's good to know that our geeky people are finally being served!
I am completely out of the contemporary music loop, but I would go see Ok Go based on that treadmill video alone. They look so fun!
I must be old because I didn't even know who Snow Patrol was - BUT they are playing on the radio in my office right NOW! Too weird. They're pretty good actually. My feeling-sorry-for-myself music was always something totally cheeseball like Chicago. Dork - old dork.
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