H and I have a joint account into which we put most of our money. We also each have our own small personal account that we can use however we want. H is not very good at saving money. He spends money pretty much as soon as he gets it. So when he asked if he could get a giant television, I said that if he bought it with his personal account, it was fine with me. I really am ok with him spending his personal money on a tv, but I didn't think he would actually be able to save enough money.
Today he proved me wrong.

The television is almost the same size as me. I am scared.
(We did buy a stand on which to put the tv, but it is not available until next Wednesday.)
wow. my husband, he is drooling.
I am not even going to TELL Aaron about this post. It would incite madness.
Seriously, people. The size of this thing is RIDICULOUS. Looking at it makes me laugh because OH MY GOD.
PS It was on sale.
Ha. I am so glad you provided the photo of you and the TV for scale. I know you are a tiny thing, but that TV is still damn big!
That is my husband's dream TV.
Hilarious that it is the same size as you.
I LOVE describing the size of things by comparing them to myself. Well done for out-doing even my wildest comparisons!!!
That TV is huge. Do you still get to watch it, even though he bought it with "his own money"? :)
It almost looks like you're trying to block access to the television in the manner of an environmentalist sitting in a tree that's going to be cut down. Except that he already bought the giant TV.
Wow. Yeah, I'm not showing P this post either.
And I was thinking along the lines of 3carnations and wondering whether you'd have to pay to watch movies from "your money."
NICE! Anth bought himself a new 42inch plasma when his projection unit bit the big one. The projection unit though, my god, we were probably rocking a 6ft image when our living room is all of 13x16ft.
We also got ours on sale. And should we ever move to Minneapolis, Anth and H could watch the UFC together. Lord knows it would help with the cable bill. Ouch on their pay per views.
He looks so proud in that picture! In the picture of you, it kind of looks like the big scary dudes on the TV are going to swoop down and carry you off!
Fancy!!! AS and I are moving in together in January, and we are already going round and round over which is more important to replace:
-his old school TV (which WORKS JUST FINE)
-his ugly, ugly, ugly Bachelor pad couches (WHICH ARE UGLY)
Guess which side I'm on!
H does indeed look delighted with his purchase. (Thumbs up!) You know what they say...the only difference between men and boys is the size of their...toys. ;)
I cannot show the Mr. this.
He's currently lobbying for one of those projection thingys that actually needs a retractable screen for the ginormous picture.
This is getting out of hand...
Women! What are the dimensions of the new tv? Is it an LCD screen? Details! I demand details!!!!
Wow - that is huge! How much shorter are you than your husband? Because here it looks like you're about 5'1" and he's about 6'5".
Holy Buckets. That thing is huge! H did very well... and he looks immensely proud of himself, too. I guess I'll have to show the Farm Boy these pictures, but then I probably won't get the new refrigerator we so desperately need.
Yeah, your husband looks so proud.
my BIL did the same thing - and believe it or not, I think it's even bigger (same width, but taller maybe). It, too, was a "it was on sale".
Dora the Explorer is actually bigger than my niece & nephew.
That is a HUGE tv. (Unless you are only very VERY tiny, I suppose.) I have only ever said no to my husband once - he gets anything he asks for. Only because he does not ask too much. I let him have a plasma tv a while ago. Since it is not as big as that I will definitely not show him this post in case he gets any ideas :)
how soon before you take it over and start watching romantic comedies?
galoot banned preppygirl and i from watching any ashton kutcher movies on "his" t.v.
Ha! Been there--that looks just like our TV! Geek still likes his TV, and that's good, because I was sure that he would be demanding something bigger by now. Good job, H--way to save up your own money!
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