The correct answer to yesterday's quiz is that I am not intensely afraid of spiders. I am apparently not that great at coming up with lies, as many of you guessed correctly. To determine the winner, I wrote the names of all the correct guessers on scraps of paper, mixed up all the scraps, closed my eyes, and picked one.
Liz, e-mail me your address, and I will send you your prize!
In other news, I did not get home until a little before 10 pm tonight because Stefanie and I were busy meeting Crazy Aunt Purl. When I got home, H was already asleep! He normally goes to bed at 11 or 11:30, so I don't know what is going on, but I'm not going to wake him up and force him to write his guest post. Especially since I already woke him up to say, "Crazy Aunt Purl totally knew who I was, and she is fantastic, and I am a big dork who didn't know what to say to her! Aaaa!" H's response was, "What time is it? Is it morning?"
I think Stefanie is going to write more about meeting Laurie (aka Crazy Aunt Purl), so I won't write much more except that I need to add that Laurie was incredibly sweet and funny, and she said nice things to me, and I didn't know how to respond because I don't know what to do when people say nice things to me. Aargh. Anyway, the reading was great, and Laurie seems like she would be great fun to hang out with.
I am so totally jealous that you met CAP! I was so bummed to find out that her signing was on a Thursday, which meant I would've needed to take two of my precious vacation days to make the 9-hour drive out there. =(
I heard that you and Crazy Aunt Purl spent the evening taking turns punching Stefanie. You famous people sure are mean.
Add my name to the list of people who are jealous! Also, maybe H is resting up before the BIG POST!
Liz won the contest? See--it IS the Year of Liz! Incidentally, I do not even see my name in that pile. You could at least have put me in the drawing, after I carried your bags and ran crowd control for you as you were rushed by fans at the reading last night. ;-)
It IS my year. (Well, for a couple more months, anyway. Then I assume it all goes to hell.)
This totally makes up for having to wait a little longer for H's sage advice!
I totally have nice things to say about you. Would you prefer some constructive criticism?
As you know, I am ridiculously jealous of your meeting with AUnt P! I'm glad to hear it was fun!
Brush with fame!!
Also, tell H that we await his wisdom with bated breath...
When people say nice things to me I either say "Give it up to Jesus" because it freaks people out enough that they don't realize I'm really bad at taking a compliment.
I am so jealous! I wish she was coming to AZ for a reading. I'd be so there, but I'd have to go by myself because I don't know anyone who blogs (or admits it) and I need to keep my secrets!
You are famous! Go YOU!
I, for one, cannot wait for H's big post. I am, however, super bummed that I missed your contest yesterday. Boo.
Apparently I suck at knowing the right answer to anything these days. Ha! Blame it on my lack of sleep...
Also, you are a total Blogebrity! (Does anyone else feel like it's a little weird that we have that word at all???)
Sounds like you had a great evening out with Stefanie!
Since H has not posted yet, can I still get in on 'Ask H'? If so, my question is: Has R changed at all since becoming a, what was it called? Blogebrity?
Well, aside from the fact that Stefanie hates me, it was awesome meeting ya'll!
Now I am terrified to compliment anyone's shoes lest their friend write me a poison pen letter, yikes. Thank God the tour ends soon.
Haha, Laurie and I talked about her meeting you today on the phone. She said you were just as cute in person and also wearing cute shoes.
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