Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Suck It, Nablopomo

My mom is here, and she has not yet made any comments about our house being dirty, so we are off to a good start. I have been lectured on paying off my mortgage and told that I should have started defrosting the turkey earlier, but whatever. Cheesy potatoes and stuffing are resting in the refrigerator, waiting to be cooked tomorrow. Pumpkin pie will be made tonight, hopefully before Project Runway starts. And I was super grumpy at work today but was able to resist the urge to punch several people in the face, so there you go.


Janssen said...

So with you on the lousy day at work. I loathed the whole day there.

Janet said...

you had me at cheesy potatoes.

Stefanie said...

Yeah, yeah, cheesy potatoes, but what I really want to know is, YOU PAID OFF YOUR MORTGAGE???

-R- said...

Stefanie, no! Don't worry, we still have quite a large mortgage!

Anonymous said...

Interactions with my mother similarly make me need to refrain from punch people in the face; good luck with your holiday!

Mmm, cheesy potatoes.

Gwen said...

I applaud your restraint. I, too, have been fighting urges to punch people in the past week. Today, this wonderful Thanksgiving, I give thanks that we did not.

L Sass said...

I had dinner at a super nice restaurant last night. It was great, but... no cheesy potatoes.