Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I Fulfull Your Every Demand (If Your Only Demand Is That I Take Random Pictures)

You guys had some great ideas! Please feel free to continue submitting picture requests, either on that last post or on this one. I will be posting my response pictures in the order called What I Feel Like Photographing Today.

I shall start with Jen's request. She wanted to see me demonstrate Sarcastic Respect for Authority Figures.
Here is my initial reaction:
[sarcastic ok symbol]
I feel like this one does not show how truly sarcastically I am respecting the authority figures about which I am thinking.

Then I followed H's suggestion, and I think this one more accurately reflects my sarcastic respect.
[sarcastic thumbs up]


Stefanie said...

Wait. Having to feign respect for authority figures falls under "Things that make [you] happy"? I wish I could find the inner peace to be happy at something like that.

-R- said...

Stefanie, good question, but actually posing like a dork is what makes me happy.

claire said...


i love it.

Anonymous said...

I am nosey and love to see pics of people's houses. I liked all the pics you took earlier of your bedroom, how about giving us a peek at the kitchen? Or my favorite -- I love home offices and desk pics.

Yes, I am a nerd.

Christine said...


That is my personal choice for sarcastic response to requests of the boyfriend.

Hmm...things of which to take pictures.

Anonymous said...

Ha, that perfectly conveys sarcastic respect for authority figures! Thanks!

Too bad authority figures aren't stupid-er and we can't actually do that when given an innane request.

L Sass said...

Wow, such an important skill in everday life.

Now that Valentine's is over and the Easter Candy is on the shelf, please post a photo of your love / disdain for Peeps.

Random, but most people seem to have an opinion in that debate.

Anonymous said...

Can we see your closet? I love looking at other people's closets! I am weird.

(Peeps are gross.)

kris said...

These are fantastic. The third one in the series could be the stifling the laughter in church look, which I often do in situations while attempting to look like I'm respecting a tool.

Anonymous said...

I can.not.stop.laughing.

My God. It's like we were seperated at birth. Wait. Do you have a pirate wench costume in you closet?

Because I'd like to request "Disgusted pirate laundry wench finally decides she's had enough of cleaning filthy eye patches and takes over the ship, thus becomeing PIRATE QUEEN!"

Either that or "Finding out that you've just gotten on the wrong bus"